Hongyu Lin 2019-07-25T13:44:15+00:00

Hongyu Lin


E-mail: hongyu2016 AT iscas.ac.cn

Github: github.com/sanmusunrise

homepage: http://linhongyu.top

Last update: 6th, July, 2018


I am a 3rd year Ph.D. candidate (expected to graduate at June 2020) at Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Before this, I got my bachelor degree from Xiamen University. My bachelor thesis is about lexical selection in statistical machine translation.


Currently, my research lies in Information Extraction, knowledge-based machine comprehension and other related topics in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.


[1] Hongyu Lin, Yaojie Lu, Xianpei Han, Le Sun. Adaptive Scaling for Sparse Detection in Information Extraction. ACL2018(Oral Long paper). [paper][src].

[2] Hongyu Lin, Yaojie Lu, Xianpei Han, Le Sun. Nugget Proposal Networks for Chinese Event Detection. ACL2018(Long paper). [paper][src].

[3] Hongyu Lin, Le Sun, Xianpei Han. Reasoning with Heterogeneous Knowledge for Commonsense Machine Comprehension. EMNLP2017(Oral Long Paper). [paper].

[4] Xianpei Han, Xiliang Song, Hongyu Lin et al. ISCAS_Sogou at TAC-KBP 2017. TAC2017(System Demonstration). [paper].

[5] Jinsong Su, Deyi Xiong, Yang Liu, Xianpei Han, Hongyu Lin, Junfeng Yao, Min Zhang. A Context-Aware Topic Model for Statistical Machine Translation. ACL2015(Oral Long Paper). [paper].